SPC is closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024, in observance of Independence Day. Normal operations resume Friday, July 5.



中学后入学选择(PSEO)使符合条件的明尼苏达州高中二年级学生, 初中, and 老年人 in public, 非公开, 或者在家庭学校参加大学课程,以获得高中和/或大学学分,以促进严格的学术追求,并提供更广泛的课程选择.

Fall Application deadline: May 31
Spring Application deadline: November 30


A unique opportunity for self starters.

PSEO enables eligible Minnesota high school 二年级的学生, 初中, and 老年人 to take college classes for high school and/or college credit. 学生可以在秋季和/或春季学期参加兼职或全日制课程. 最重要的是,学费、杂费、材料和所需的教科书都是免费的.


Earn free college credits while still in high school.

Get ahead in your education.

Graduate from college quicker or complete a degree while in HS.


Interested in learning more? Here’s everything you need to know.

The many advantages of PSEO.

In addition to getting ahead in your degree or your career path, and earning free credits, there are many more benefits of completing PSEO courses. 这里有一些:



Find out if PSEO at
Saint Paul College is right for you.

Some important things to consider.

Before applying for PSEO, 学生应该与他们的父母/监护人或高中辅导员交谈,以确保你理解并为更快的节奏和更高的期望做好准备.

If the following are true for you, PSEO may be a good fit. 你是…

Willing to commit 2-3 hours of study time for every hour of class.
Financially responsible.
Able to purchase miscellaneous items not covered by PSEO funding. 例如:往返大学的交通(附近有21路公交站,也有在线课程), 设备, 工具, 计算器, 额外费用, or certification exam expenses, 等.

While textbooks and some materials are covered, 任何未在截止日期前完好返回学院的,将由学生负责,学生将被收取费用. This bill must be paid out of pocket; it is not covered by the PSEO program.


Essential details to
become a PSEO student.

Eligibility Requirements

10th Grade – 二年级的学生

  • 2.8+ unweighted high school GPA
  • 证明你在八年级MCA阅读测试中获得了“M-符合标准”或“E-超过标准”(850或更高).
    • 没有参加八年级MCA阅读考试的十年级学生应在提交申请时通过电子邮件通知PSEO工作人员,并可以参加mg电子试玩app的阅读/英语评估作为替代.

11th Grade – 初中

  • 2.8+ unweighted high school GPA

12th Grade – 老年人

  • 2.8+ unweighted high school GPA

19-21-year-old high school students should follow the 12th grade criteria. 与你的高中辅导员一起完成并发送延长PSEO资格的验证文件,并完成剩余的入学步骤.



我们鼓励学生在课程注册开始前提交完整的申请材料,以便有最多的课程选择. The closer to the PSEO application deadline students submit materials, the fewer course options they have.

Submit documents in PDF or Word formats to PSEO@yann-mathieux.com. 学生 can use Microsoft Office Lens (应用程序商店 or 谷歌玩)将图像/照片转换为PDF和Word文件,然后保存并附加到电子邮件中. Please do not mail or submit applications in person at this time.


  1. 应用 to Saint Paul College
    • 把你的Star ID和密码记录在一个安全的地方,你将需要这些信息
    • If you have applied to SPC before, look up your Star ID here
  2. Complete the MDE PSEO Notice of Student Registration & PSEO Book Contract Forms
  3. Gather the following document(s) based on grade level
    • 二年级的学生
      • 电子邮件 Official High School transcript showing cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.8或更大
      • 8年级明尼苏达综合评估成绩复印件,显示阅读成绩及格(850+)
    • 初中 & 老年人
      • 电子邮件 Official High School transcript showing cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.8或更大
  4. 电子邮件 all required documents before the PSEO application deadline to PSEO@yann-mathieux.com

19-21 year old high school students follow the 12th grade criteria. 与你的高中辅导员一起完成并发送延长PSEO资格的验证文件,并完成剩余的入学步骤.

After Submitting Your Application


  • 被录取的申请人将通过电子邮件收到一封录取通知书,其中包含注册强制性PSEO培训的链接
    • 被录取的学生在接受邮件的截止日期前未参加PSEO培训,将不能参加PSEO
  • 被拒者如仍在高中就读,可重新申请下学期
  • 被录取的学生将通过完成以下工作过渡到PSEO项目:
    • Register for 类
      • First speak with your high school Counselor regarding graduation requirements
    • 激活mg电子试玩app邮箱(与PSEO学生的官方沟通方式)
    • Order Required Books/Materials
    • Complete PSEO 取向
    • Obtain Saint Paul College ID
    • Complete the Sexual Violence Prevention Training (via D2L)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

PSEO students are held to the same policies as undergraduate college students.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)所有学生每学期必须根据其累积的SPC学分满足以下要求:

  • 2.0累积绩点
  • Successfully complete 66.67% of cumulative attempted credits with earned grades of A, B, C, D, P, or AU

If these requirements are not met, students will be put on academic warning or in some cases suspended. 如果累积GPA或完成率低于第二学期的最低标准, the student may be suspended from the College.

PSEO students not in good academic standing (such as those on academic warning, 悬架, (或试用期)只能在mg电子试玩appPSEO工作人员的批准下注册传统的PSEO.

Current PSEO学生

目前的PSEO学生必须每学期完成申请包,他们想在mg电子试玩app学习PSEO课程. These forms must be emailed to PSEO@yann-mathieux.com and processed before a PSEO student can register for the following term. 在学生注册之前,需要5-10个工作日来处理表格. Check your Saint Paul College email for updates.

任何需要一个或多个学期的当前PSEO学生将根据当前的PSEO资格要求重新评估是否进入PSEO计划. 19-21-year-old high school students follow the 12th grade criteria. 与你的高中辅导员一起完成并发送延长PSEO资格的验证文件,并完成剩余的入学步骤.

Graduating PSEO学生

Continue with Saint Paul College through one of the options below:

Unofficial Transcripts

  • 访问 qaf0.yann-mathieux.com
  • Click on eServices under Student Login
  • Log in with Star ID and password
  • Select Academic Records from the left side menu
  • Under Academic Records, select Unofficial Transcripts
  • Select chronological and hit “Get Academic Record”
  • View and print your unofficial transcript

Official Transcripts

  • 去 学生记录
  • On the right, click Official Transcript Request

施舍 & 资源

Find more answers right here.

Check the links below for everything else you might need. Or, simply contact us to have any questions answered. 电子邮件 PSEO@yann-mathieux.com 或致电651.403.4478.